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Coactive Networks Announces First Shipments of Internet Gateway to Home Control Systems

Coactive Connector® 2000 Series Provides a Competitive Advantage to Utilities by Enabling New Service Offerings to Consumers

SAUSALITO, Calif., May 3, 1999 -- Coactive Networks, a developer of control network connectivity solutions, today announced that it began first shipments of its next-generation home telemetry gateway product family, the Coactive Connector® 2000 Series. The Coactive Connector 2000, which began shipping last month, delivers all of the features required for flexible access to home control systems, including both data logging and real-time monitoring and control, and incorporates distributed object technology which allows the deployment of systems scalable to millions of homes. The new product family enables utilities to deploy a single communications solution which supports multiple services such as automatic meter reading (AMR), demand side management (DSM), home security, appliance monitoring, and home automation.

“In the age of deregulation, utility companies can gain a competitive advantage by offering their customers new services. The availability of new low-cost Internet connectivity products provides the necessary technology infrastructure to support services that extend the utilities’ value to customers. It also allows them to offer services such as remote appliance monitoring/control and energy management,” said Tricia Parks, president of Parks Associates, a Texas-based market research and consulting firm.

“Utilities now have a compelling solution for responding to the challenges of deregulation and the need to offer consumers valued services in a competitive environment,” said David Gaw, president of Coactive Networks. “The Coactive Connector 2000 enables the deployment of a single networking infrastructure which can support immediate service opportunities as well as future expansions.”

About the Coactive Connector 2000 Series

The Coactive Connector 2000 Series addresses three factors critical to providing bundled telemetry services to the home, and thereby establishing a competitive edge for utilities. First, the wide-area connection to homes is via Internet protocol (IP), offering the advantage of multiple media including phone lines, cable, and wireless. This approach also takes advantage of the independently increasing demand for permanent Internet access from the home, whether by cable modem, ISDN, or xDSL. Second, the in-home connection to devices such as energy and security systems is via the standard control networking technology EIA-709 (LonWorks), a standard which has already been adopted by most control system manufacturers. And finally, the Coactive Connector 2000 incorporates the unique distributed object technology of the IOConnect Architecture™, providing the reliability and manageability required for this connectivity and allowing the deployment of systems scalable to millions of homes.

Coactive unveiled the Coactive Connector 2000 Series in October at the DA/DSM show in London, and introduced it to the US market in February at the DA/DSM show in San Diego.

About Coactive Networks

Coactive Networks is a leading provider of open solutions for connecting control systems to enterprise networks and the Internet. The company offers a full line of routers, servers, and gateways for creating powerful next-generation applications, and is the market leader in providing connectivity solutions for EIA-709 (LonWorks), the leading control network. Coactive is a privately held corporation based in Sausalito, CA. Detailed information on Coactive products, news announcements, seminars, training, and support is available on the World Wide Web at

Coactive, the Coactive Logo, WebIO, Router-LE, Router-LL, and IOConnect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Coactive Networks, Inc. in the US and other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.


Annie Grace

Sonia Gómez





